Essentially, this game is a preventative tool for children who have been identified as 'at risk' or 'vulnerable' by a social worker, child protection worker or the school well-being team.
As adults, it’s our responsibility to keep children safe and protected from abuse. But we also know that we can help children protect themselves by teaching them to recognise, respond to, and report unsafe behaviour and situations. Neglect, abuse and exploitation are never a child's fault. This game is designed to help develop strategies that may assist children to identify safe people and places, with the goal of protecting them from further harm.
This is a non competitive game where players are given a character profile of a vulnerable young person who is working towards identifying safe people and places. Along the way the characters face obstacles, choices as well as opportunities to help their friends. The game facilitator leads the players in discussing their responses to the challenges and choices that their character faces in a non-confronting yet impactful way. This game can be played with 2-6 participants.
Players are given a character profile of a vulnerable young person who is working towards identifying safe people and places. The game includes 17 character profiles.

The aim of this game is to help children build (or redefine) strategies around how to identify safe people and safe places.
Safe people and places are imperative in children's lives in order to establish strong connections and secure, trustworthy people they can share with when situations concern them. The objective also includes strengthening protective behaviours, healthy boundaries in relationships, and the skills to identify positive role models. The game focuses on the thought processes and language around recognising and calling out unsafe behaviour (within the game and in real life).
This game is targeted at children 10- 12 years old (Grade 5 and 6).
This is a non competitive game where players are given a character profile of a vulnerable young person who is working towards identifying safe people and places.
Along the way the characters face obstacles, choices as well as opportunities to help their friends. The game facilitator leads the players in discussing their responses to the challenges and choices that their character faces in a non-confronting yet impactful way.
This game can be played with 2-6 participants.
Treehouses signify freedom, playfulness, adventure and courage. Perched up high in a tree, it is possible to gain a different perspective on life and the world around you. A treehouse also provides a space to process, decompress, relax and unwind - encounters we hope that children will have as they interact with the game.
Central to the game mat, you'll notice a large treehouse. The game (set in a fictitious town) features fairly typical infrastructure such as a library, school, sports field, shopping centre etc. The three dimensional treehouse in the middle of the town is the starting place for the characters in the game.
In the game, the players explore the town to find 3 safe people. After they have found them, they make their way to their safe destination, which will vary according to the details on their character's profile card. The decision to make the treehouse the starting point for the game, was intentional. It represents 'safety' and was chosen as an alternative to beginning their journey from home or school. For many children home or school may be the location where abuse, neglect, bullying or other negative experiences have taken place.

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