Grab yourself a DO JUSTICE Hoodie, String Backpack or ZOE cap and spread the message about combatting child trafficking far and wide!
Upon receiving your order, we will promptly send you an email to confirm your selected product and sizing.
Prices include shipping cost within Australia.

Account Name: Zoe Foundation Australia Limited
Bank: Macquarie Bank Limited
Account BSB: 183-334
Account No. 3020-79280
Please add your name in the 'reference' and send the transaction receipt to so that we can send you a tax deductible receipt.
We will strive to honour the desire of the donor but ZFA reserves the right, if necessary, to redirect the funds to the area of greatest need.
ZOE Foundation Australia is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation. It does not receive any government funding, and as such depends entirely on the generous donations of individuals and businesses.