Join us in fervent prayer as we unite to fight child trafficking on the spiritual battlefront to combat child trafficking, seek wisdom for impactful initiatives, and foster restoration both in Australia and overseas. Download our prayer guide and sign up to our 24/7 Global prayer movement.
Take action against human trafficking by downloading our newly revised Prayer Guide.
Engage in the powerful fight through prayer — the most wonderful and effective way. Click the button below to access the ZOE Prayer Guide, which provides devotionals and specific guidance on praying for the spiritual aspects of human trafficking.
Click the button below to access the digital version or email us at with your postal address for a hard copy.
Join us on our Global Prayer website.
Let’s unite in prayer, 24/7, all around the world.
Join Our 24/7 Global Prayer Movement: Commit 10 Minutes a Week!
Prayer whenever it fits your schedule. Discover the vital prayer needs in Australia and globally and join us in fervent prayer for these crucial issues. Use ZOE’s starter prayer request list with scripture and guidance, or pray as the Holy Spirit leads you!