Will you consider becoming a committed Freedom Partner by donating $10, $25, $50, or more monthly?

Monthly donations play a critical role in our fight against child trafficking. By committing to a monthly donation, you become a key partner in our mission to reach every person and rescue every child, and to create a safer environment for children, ensuring that our programs remain robust and effective in combatting this heinous crime.

Join us in our fight against child trafficking by becoming a monthly donor — together we will reach our crucial $20,000 monthly donation goal.


Freedom Partner Exclusive benefits include:

  • A Special Invitation to our annual Vision Casting Conference Call with some of the ZOE global leaders, where you will hear exciting updates and vision for the future.
  • A FREE prayer guide that will be posted out to you, providing powerful insights and ways to pray for the vulnerable.
  • Access to Inspirational Stories contained in each quarterly update.
  • A Special Gift from ZOE a small token of our appreciation.

Your monthly commitment connects you to a passionate group of changemakers dedicated to ending child trafficking.


Your monthly contribution will further the work of ZOE Australia by strengthening our ability to rescue, rehabilitate, and safeguard at-risk children; as well as empowerment through awareness by amplifying our advocacy efforts, raising awareness, and educating communities about the signs of trafficking, equipping them with the knowledge needed to prevent exploitation and protect their children.

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Here is what we have been able to achieve as a result of the generous giving from our existing donors and monthly giving community — who we appreciate so much! Imagine how much more we'll be able to do when we reach our monthly giving goal of $20,000.

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