“Australians are very friendly and easygoing people. In fact, Australians are renowned for their laid-back nature and unique sense of humour. Another thing Australians are known for is their love of sport, recreation and the great outdoors.” (tafeqld.edu.au).
What do an Australian police officer, security guard, bicycle repair man, student, transport worker, reservist, videographer, restaurant worker, IT consultant, forklift driver, retail services worker, student, school secretary, health and safety worker, and a computer programmer all have in common?
These were the occupations of just some of the 44 men aged between 19 to 57 found across every state and territory (except the Northern Territory) who allegedly all shared child sexual abuse material using a 'a cloud storage' company.
It's said that Operation Molto began late last year when the AFP were tipped off by a US intelligence agency about an international paedophile ring.
So far 16 children have been removed from harm but The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) has received 21,000 reports of child exploitation in the last financial year.
You can read this and be appalled, or you can read this and be spurred into action.
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Published by: Andrea Cross in Blog, Child Rescue
Tags: Australia, online child exploitation, ZOE Foundation Australia
Tom MacCormack
August 21, 2021 at 5:40 pm
Appalled! I’m Speaking up, praying listening and seeking God’s direction.