Why is PREVENTION important and necessary?
Because it means trafficking is stopped before it happens.
A future rescue is avoided - along with many years of healing and restoration.
It’s why we see the value in education, empowering communities and bringing trafficking awareness.
While some places are currently in lock-down due to the second wave of corona-virus, ZOE’s work to ”prevent,” ”educate,” and ”bring awareness to” trafficking continues.
Both in Australia and Thailand, our teams have adapted their methods of reaching students. This has meant we can continue preventing child exploitation and equipping teenagers to remain safe.
People often ask us, "But what can I do?"
Well, we’d love you to adopt these 3 simple ways:
You can also spend some time learning more facts about trafficking on our website.
Or, why not do a refresher on some of the signs of what human trafficking looks like?
Still wanting more ideas?
- Person of faith? Pray for ZOE’s work in Prevention, Rescue and Restoration (join a prayer group or get a prayer guide). Email us for details.
- Watch and share videos, blog posts and social media feeds. (here and here)
- Petition for ZOE’s Year 9 or 10 curriculum to be used in your school. (click here)
Parent of a teen? Watch the free online Chapel video with your child.
Published by: Andrea Cross in Blog
Tags: prevention, ZOE Foundation Australia