TASTE AND SEE … the Lord is good!
As a Christian organisation, we believe that God is good and His goodness is evident all the time. Sometimes when we crave a quick “fast food” type response to our prayers, we have to remind ourselves that it’s oftentimes the answers that took a bit longer to “prepare” that really satisfy. Just because God may not immediately give us an answer, does not mean that He is not in the process of answering. Our job is to pray, be patient and trust in His timing knowing that He is cooking up something good for us all the time!
Food For Thought!
- Join our ZFA Prayer nights on Monday evenings (email us for details)
- Cook one of our ‘Taste of ZOE’ recipes, share it on social media, #atasteofZOE and tag us.
- Watch and share videos, blog posts and social media feeds. (here and here)
- Order a Taste of ZOE cookbook and pass it on to a friend. (email Sharon)
- Have a Taste of ZOE potluck dinner, watch one of ZOE’s videos from youtube and have a discussion about it. (YouTube)
- Petition for ZOE’s Year 9 or 10 curriculum to be used in your school. (click here)
- Parent of a teen? Watch the free online Chapel video with your child.
- Person of faith? Pray for ZOE’s work in Prevention, Rescue and Restoration. (join a prayer group or get a prayer guide)
Published by: Andrea Cross in Blog, Food
Tags: prayer, ZOE Foundation Australia